You might be shocked to learn that more people than you think have sleep
apnea. Even though it may seem like you're the only one with sleep apnea, we're
pretty sure that at least a few of your close neighbours also have it. Now that
we live in the information age, you can hear thousands of different points of
view and possible treatments for whatever ails you. This is also true for sleep
apnea. If you follow these three tips, your search for more information should
go smoothly.
- Do a simple search on a few different websites to start. See if Yahoo, Google, and MSN work for you. Look up "sleep apnea symptoms" or "sleep apnea treatment." Getting information from more than one place will only make your search easier. There are search engines that are better for different kinds of information. For example, Google seems to be great for looking up science information. Read a lot of different things to learn.
- is another great place to find knowledge about anything. If you want to treat your sleep apnea yourself based on what you read, you should always see a doctor. We are not doctors and can't give medical advice. However, because it is "user edited," is a good place to start looking for information. Anyone could alter the information on because it is "user edited." It's kind of like a vote on how knowledge is shown. You should look into it if you're researching sleep apnea.
- Don't forget to look for information that will help you understand sleep apnea. You will have a hard time, even if you follow tips #1 and #2 to the letter, if you don't know what sleep apnea is. Learn about sleep apnea and try to understand it. Some great sites can be found if you look around long enough.